What I have Been Up To Recently
Fashion Shows
So, this is just a quick blog post to say what I have been up to over the past few months!
Recently, I attended the Fashion and design Exhibition at Event City in Manchester, and even though it was a small turn-out, I really enjoyed my weekend there.
Heres a quick snap of the fashion show!
This collection was designed by EUSTRATIA
The other collections included street-wear, casual-wear, and lingerie.
It was a great weekend, where I got to meet some talented designers, and eyed-up some very nice clothes and prints.
Here is one of the many cute jewellery designs from the event.
I really love the colour and shape of this broach :)
Dark Room Work
Recently, I've been getting more into photography, and the idea of dark-room image capturing, which has greatly inspired my work. I love the use of shadows and shapes, and I have managed to capture some great forms to work with.
Here are a few of my 'first attempts' to give you an impression of what I mean.
I am really loving this new technique!
My Recent Work
Here are a few of my designs from over the past few months, that I have created for my portfolio and interviews.

I have also recently designed the front cover backdrop for Ya El Mercurio (Sept edition 2014) Magazine who are based in Chile. I really enjoyed this project, as the magazine was very fun to work with, and I enjoy designing print with a hand-painted feel.Which I got to do!
Here is the Front Cover!
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